Top 10 Qualities Every Man Wants in His Girlfriend

 Top 10 Qualities Every Man Wants in His Girlfriend

Don’t make the first move

Men like women who are hard to get. The more he has to work to get you, the more he will treasure you once you are together. Make sure you make him want you, but never make the first move. Make him work hard to get you.

Don’t jump into bed too soon

Sex is important, and everyone knows that both men and women require it. But it’s usually worth the wait, so have patience. A guy wouldn’t take you that seriously if you get into bed with him so soon. Take your time.

1. Be Confident

Confidence is one of the most admired attribute for guys. They want a girl who is confident about herself and about everything she does.

So have a positive self-image and be confident. Don’t wait for his approval and reassurance for every little thing. Be confident in your decisions and choices, he will love you more for that.

2. Don’t Be Materialistic

Don’t go after fancy things all the time. Never demand expensive gifts or luxury treats or ask him to take you to expensive places for dinner. Give him a feeling that his presence is the most important thing for you. Once he is relieved that he doesn’t have to empty his pockets to impress you, he will himself go out of his way to do things to make you happy.

3. Be Supportive

A man is always looking for a woman who takes care of him and supports him. He wants a life partner who comforts him in difficult times, supports him when life is tough and gives him reassurance of all his decisions. Always show him you are supportive and caring with small gestures and you will win him forever.

4. Be Trustworthy

Everyone wants a trustworthy person as a life partner. If a man cannot trust you, how can he think of you as his better half? Wining the trust of your man is the key to win his heart.

Always be honest with your man. All he wants from you is your honesty and sincerity for him and for your relationship with him.

5. Give Him Space

Don’t keep calling or texting him, and don’t pressurize him to meet you. Give him his time and space, but don’t make him feel like you don’t care either. Let him know that you’re thinking about him, but without disturbing him

That is the most important attribute. If you want to be the perfect girl that he is looking for then you must learn to give him space.

Everyone needs personal space and some private time. This is healthy for him to grow as a person. Giving him the space and time he deserves for himself will eventually make your relationship stronger.

6Be Smart And Believe In Yourself

A woman who is smart in her every move always turn on her man. Her persona inspires men as soon she enters a room. The perfect smart girl is never afraid to fight for or stand for anything she believes in.

Try to be the smart girl who has a positive self-image and can stand equal to men, without losing your feminine charm. Such a girl is the dream of every man.

7Be his best friend

A guy loves a girlfriend who is first his best friend and then his girlfriend. If you can be his lover and his constant companion, he won’t let you go. You’ll become an integral and permanent part of his life, and that too, the most important part.


Be Humorous

Try to add the fun element to your relationship. Men love those girls who are witty and hilarious. Try to add witty remarks in conversation with him. Don’t be a serious type all the time.

Try to be sarcastic to add humour when you are in some awkward situation with him. Enjoy the lighter part of everything and add a spark to your personality with humorous jokes.


It’s important to keep these things in mind while dealing with your man. If you lack these simple qualities every man wants in his partner, you need to inculcate them in order to keep your relationship a happy one.

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