I Bought a cow for $800 Math Quiz answer

I Bought a cow for $800 Math Quiz answer

I Bought a cow for $800 Math Quiz answer
I Bought a cow for $800 answer

The "I bought a for $800 math Quiz" is one of those simple but tricky math Quiz on the net making people scratch their heads.

Today I will bring you the correct answer in detail in this post.

What's the I Bought a cow for $800 Math Quiz answer?

The correct answer would be $400 not $100 see details below.

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I will solve in two cases

First case 

I bought a cow 🐄 for $800

I sold it for $1000

Gain = Cost price-Selling Price 

Cost price= $800

Selling Price= $1000

Gain = $1000-$800

Gain = $200

Total Cash or Asset = $1000

Second Case 

Cost price = $1100

Selling Price = 1300

Gain = 1300-1100

Gain = $200

Gain of first case + Gain of Second cased
= $200+ 200
= $400

Therefore, the gain from the two business deal is $400

However ever The Capital was just $1000. To buy something for $1100, You need to add $100.

So, if You remove the $100 you added, your Gain would be $300.

Hence the final answer should be $300


To solve this type of Quiz, you need to go step by step else you will get the wrong answer

Also check: 10-10×10+10=? Math Quiz answer

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