How to fix Ad serving limit placed on your Adsense account

How to fix ads limit placed on your Adsense account.

This the most frustrating message you can receive as a Blogger from Google Adsense. If this issue is not fixed, your earnings can drop to zero.

February 11, 2020, I received the following message from Google AdSense. "[ Message intentionally removed]"

This was my first time to receive such a message. I was so confused and panicking. I when to Google and search how to solve this issue, I got answers from Google Adsense support community, tried them on my website and Adsense account, no  avail.

I went to YouTube, search how to resource the issue, many videos appeared but almost all in India languages. I try to follow some steps, applied them but nothing seem to work for me.
I went back to the message from Google Adsense, in the message I saw the possible causes of the ads limit placed on my site.

One of the cause was:
Invalid traffic: This can be traffic not resulting from search engines.
It can be from social media or paid traffic.

When I reviewed these reasons I remembered I usually share my posts on Twitter and other social media. I even embedded tweeter and Facebook on my website.

Another big error I did was invited my friends to click on my ads. This is the worst thing you should ever do as a Blogger. If you try, your AdSense account might be ban.
In short clicking on your own ads or invited your friends to click is like you holding a gun well loaded, point it on yourself and pull the trigger.

I equally remembered one day I had a spike in revenue, after a day all the revenue was removed by AdSense. Sure this revenue was from invalid clicks.

Now I figured out what was the cause of the issue, I went back to search for solutions on the internet, got some and applied. According to one of the solutions I was supposed to wait for about 15days before placing ads codes back to my website.
I waited after 15days, I places the codes back and I still receive the same message from Google Adsense. 

I was still frustrated again and decided to try the last option witch was to delete my website from Adsense. Something stroke my mind, I went to Youtube and search again, I now landed on a tutorial in English language, followed it, applied it and after 2weeks the warning on my website disappeared. Oh yeah!

This was to me like magic because that was the last option for me. Though I can tell wether it was updated automatically or it was because of the tutorials.

From my experience and what I gathered about how to resolve this issue, I have put together the following steps to resolve the issue if you are facing it now or might face it in future.

How to resolve ads servings limit have been placed on your website.

If you face this issue, do not be panic else you can spoil everything.
I suggest you follow what is in the  the message Google Adsense sent to you.
This is because in the message Google Adsense says they will automatically update the issue.

I think all the tutorials I followed never worked because I applied them, waited place ads codes back and  still received same message.

1. Do not share too frequently on social media.
2. Limit social buttons on your website
3. Focus on creating new quality post during this process.
4. Don't buy traffic.
5. Never you click on your own ads.
6. Follow the steps in the message Google Adsense sent to you

Don't try any tutorials to solve this issue, just follow what you saw in the message.
As for me I know my problem was invalid traffic so I stopped sharing on social media frequently.

Thanks for reading, if this article is helpful, comment and share with others.
If you also want to try the toturials I did, comment or contact us.

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