How to send quality traffic to a blog/website in Cameroon

How to send quality traffic to your website.

After creating your blog and must have written and publish some good number of articles, You need to make your friends know about your work, you need to start sending visitors to your blog or website.

Before I get into  details of this article, I want to let you know that your friends might not be your blog visitors, some will ignore the links you will share to them, some will descourage you, but some will always encourage you. To cut things short, don't share too to many times to your friends. Get into the details of this post below.

There are many ways you can send traffic to your website, it can be organic traffic or from social medias. In the article, I will teach you detaily the various ways you can send traffic to your website or blog. The main two ways to send traffic to your blog are organic traffic and social media traffic.

Let's talk about organic traffic.

Organic traffic is traffic that comes from searches. That is, if for example before you landed on the blog, you had searched How to send quality traffic to a blog and Google shows you this blog, you followed the link to this post and you are now here, this is what is called organic traffic.

To put it simple, it's traffic that comes as a result of people searching something on the internet.

This is the best form of traffic to a website because it comes from those who actually needed the information they were searching.

How to send organic traffic to your site.

In marketing they say Costumer is King while in Blogging we say content is King.The best way to send organic traffic to your site is to:

Write good quality post: Good quality post can be a post with about 6 paragraphs and 500 words. The articles must be unique and have no grammatical errors.

When you do this, your post will rang in the first page of Google.

Warning: Avoid copying articles from other website.

Write articles frequently and consistently: You can write 2 articles daily, weekly or monthly. This depends on you.

How to send social media traffic to your blog.

Social media is one of the best way to send traffic to a website or blog

When I talk of traffic from social media I would tell you with no doubt that Facebook is King.

Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest WhatsApp YouTube etc can be use to send visitors to a blog.

Facebook is the biggest place you can get visitors to your website.

I am writing this from my personal experience your own can be Twitter or YouTube for me my highest source of traffic comes from Facebook.

How to get traffic from Facebook.

Before I go about talking how to get traffic from Facebook keep this on your mind.

If you are a newbie in Blogging, you may be so anxious to share your links as many times as possible on Facebook groups or pages.I bet you if you try it your link is going to be blocked by Facebook and you will be frustrated.

So, this is what you need to do.

Create a Facebook account and page for your website so that your audience can follow you.

Create a Facebook group or join some existing groups.

Now upload all your new post on your Facebook page and share to your group.

When I first started blogging each time I write a post I will share to close to five groups on Facebook and Facebook blocked my link. It was so frustrating and I imI telling you this so that you will not fall victim. Know Facebook policy to your finger tip.

So, keep it on your mind that you can share only three times in a day in groups but you can post your link as many time as possible on your Facebook page.

How to send traffic from Instagram.

When I took of Facebook we should already know that Instagram is the brother of Facebook, the rules also apply on Instagram.

How to get traffic from Twitter

Personally I have tried sharing as many time as possible on Twitter but my link is not blocked. So, you can share your post as many time as possible on Twitter and you get some audience from there which might be good source of traffic.

How to get traffic from Pinterest

I have equally share as many time as possible on Pinterest and my link is not blocked, always share your post on Pinterest to get a good number of visitors.

How to get traffic from WhatsApp.

I know when you create your new blog, you maybe be so anxious to share to your friends on WhatsApp.

I advise you not to do it because you might bored them. Not everyone likes what you like or what you do.

My best way I do to get my traffic from WhatsApp is to share on my status everyday.

Those who are interested in will definitely visit your blog.

One of my friends complained to me that it seems Cameroonian don't like what his doing because he had lowest number of visitors from Cameroon. I told him it's normal because there's a native saying that " A traditional doctor is hardly recognized in his home town"

Which means your best visitors maybe not be your friend.

How to get traffic via YouTube.

Since YouTube is part of Google, traffic from YouTube can be organic traffic.

To get trafict from Youtube, you need to create a YouTube channel. In this channel you can do short videos about your blog.

In the description of your videos, you insert your Blog links.

Thise will generate you some good number of traffic.

To conclude, what you will earn as a Blogger will depend on the number of valid visitors you send to your website.

The only way to do this is the follow the poinss above.

If this article is helpful, let us know be comments or let your friends know by sharing. Thanks

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