Sample Internship Report carried in Ashong Cooperative Credit Union ltd


1.1 background to the internship
Internship is the period during which a student or new graduate gets practical experience in a particular field of his or her studies.The intern carried out this internship which is part of the requirements for an award of a bachelor of  Technology (B.Tech) followed by other puposses like blending theory with practice .
The intern did her internship at ASCCUL  at Mutengene for a period of 5 weeks. The internship began on the 3rd of July the 10th of August  which gave the intern skills and how to practice the skills.
ASHONG COOPERATIVE CREDIT UNION is one of the credit unions which have gained technological advancement and   with its objective to save provide a safe place to borrow at competitive rates.The intern was trained in two department of the union.
  • The finance department
  • The management department
1.2 Aims and Objectives of the Internship
The objectives of this study were;
  • To blend theory with practice
  • To acquire practical and professional ethics
  • To acquire knowledge on how to create and organize company assets.
  • To identify problems of real world enterprise and hence suggest workable recommendations to help them improve on their performance.
  • Finally to fulfill the requirement for the award of a B.Tech  in accountancy.
1.3Operational Definition of Terms
Loan:Money that an organization or a bank  lends to their customers and repaid with an interest  and in installment.
Loan Delinquency:Loan delinquency is a situation when a customer receives  a loan granted and does not pay on the time agreed.
Loan amortization :Loan amortization is a range  of period the loan granted is expected to be paid
Alpha Micro Finance:Alpha Micro Finance is a computer based accounting software which is used to analyse financial information.
1.4 List of Abbreviation
ASCCUL: Ashong Cooperative Credit Union
BOD: Board of Directors
CD/CW: Cash Deposit/Cash Withdrawal
DPC: Delay Payment Charge
CAMCCUL: Cameroon Cooperative Credit Union Limited.
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